About us

Above all, we believe that loyalty stands behind any written word

Our team of professionals deliver full service tailored for each individual customer from consulting and finding best solution to preparing all necessary documents and providing full service to establish and prosper at your new home in Europe – Latvia

We look forward to doing great things with you in Europe – Latvia

Great reasons to chose Latvia


Full member of European Union, NATO, United Nations, WTO, OECD, Eurozone, European Council, European Court of Justice, ECB and many others


One of fastest growing economies in Europe, low inflation, technology and start-up friendly environment


Common market of 28 European states, open borders for free travel, work, business and education


Latvia provide free healthcare, free education, retirement pension system, tax reductions, unemployment benefits and many other


Initial 5+ year temporary residency permit including spouse and children under age of 18, as a basis to receive permanent residency and citizenship of European union


Protected investment, ownership, intellectual property and employment environment


Latvia is among the greenest states of the world, with more than 50% covered with natural forests, located at the coast of Baltic Sea, renewable energy and biological farming environment


Latvia cultural life is deep rooted in traditions as well as contemporary art and design. From singing and dancing festivals, medieval castles and traditional houses to Art Nouveau, Latvia is proud of it’s historical heritage



Find out more on our team of professionals. We will be glad use our experience gathered by the years to find right decisions.

By the years our team has collected database of partners and clients. Our team delivers full package of services to find best solution suited for each client. We know how important is your decision. So let us take care of the rest.

Find out more and receive free consultation?






You may find answers to most frequently asked questions here.

To find out more, we will be glad to answer to your questions. Go to “Team” or “Contacts” and will provide all support.

Firstly, we will determine immigration program best suitable according to interests whether income, family, business or any other, education and/or professional skills. We will prepare contracts and start collecting all documents to proceed. The program includes also finding apartment, open bank account, legal and practical support and helping to start new life in Latvia. We will be glad to represent interests in long term and help to establish in Latvia and Europe

Whether investment in company, real estate property or employment, all contracts and owner rights are registered at government registers and approved decision on registration will be issued.

By investment in company, the client will receive approved capital shares, where investment in real estate property will be followed by registered Landbook. However in case of employment, the client will receive employment contract signed by employer.

All information can be found and followed online as well.

As a part of European Union, English language is common and popular. 70% of Latvian population under age 40 speak English. With basic English language knowledge shall be enough to start. From our experience, people tend to improve their English language significantly already within first 6 to 8 month.

After first 5 years the temporary residency permit may prolonged for another 5 year period on the same basis or by meeting the scope of the law – to receive permanent residency permit: if most of the time (4 years) spent within territory of  Latvia and by passing simple Latvian language test by level A2. We encourage to start to prepare for permanent residency, as it is next step to become true Latvian (and European) citizen. We will be glad to assist to receive your Latvian passport.


  • Lielirbes iela 13, Riga, LV-1046, Latvia
  • +371 29641682